8 Tips to Help You Be More Mindful This Holiday Season

By Marissa Perrotta RDN, RYT
Plantable Palate Nutrition

The holidays are upon us and the hustle and bustle has started. Whether you’re running from here to there, lost online finding the perfect gift, or planning to host a holiday gathering, it’s important to keep track of you. It’s easy to lose sight when you’re so “wrapped up” (yes, that pun was intentional) in things that you forget to take time for yourself. Not to mention those pesky thoughts creeping in telling you, “Don’t eat too many cookies” or “Don’t have that second helping of mashed potatoes, you’ll have to add extra time to your cardio workout.” 

Maybe you already have plans to try a new diet or cleanse you heard about after the holidays.  Before you do anything drastic or start beating yourself up about eating too much, try implementing some of these mindful holiday tips to help you manage holiday stress, reduce feelings of overwhelmingness, and get rid of the food guilt!

1- Eat breakfast, a real breakfast, not just coffee. Studies show having a substantial breakfast will likely reduce overeating later in the day and binge eating at night. So have some scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast or a bowl of oatmeal with that cup of coffee.

2- Sit down when eating – try not to eat standing up or at the counter. Make a true effort to sit at the table while eating. Do your best not to eat on the go. But hey, we all get hungry so it’s helpful to have a granola bar or some nuts stashed in your bag for an emergency hunger cure. 

3- Avoid electronics when eating – focus on your meal by putting away the cell phone, stop the social media scrolling and online shopping. Pause and pay attention to what you’re eating, notice the smell and how delicious and nourishing it is. 

4- When you’re headed for a night out, eat like you normally would during the day so you’re not starving at the restaurant or party which can lead to overeating. Don’t skip meals in an effort to save calories. 

5- At social gatherings where there’s a big variety of appetizers, make a small plate and try the foods that look most appetizing to you. Don’t hover around the table after you’ve made a plate, walk away and socialize with company. 

6- Sitting down for the big holiday feast? Worried, you’ll find yourself feeling overly full and uncomfortable, leaving you unsatisfied with the food you just ate.

Put the fork down in between bites, this helps you slow down and check in with your hunger cues.

7- Check in with your hunger scale.  

Next time you get ready to eat and even while you’re eating take a look at your hunger scale. The hunger scale is a rating from 0 to 10 of how hungry you truly are. 0 relates to the most hungry you could possibly be, while 10 is as full as you have ever been. Ideally, you want to fall into the 4-6 zone, without major swings one way or the other. 

If you find yourself feeling SO HUNGRY before each meal, maybe consider eating earlier or incorporating a snack. If you’re not hungry at all before meals but still feel the need to eat, ask yourself why?

8- Take time for yourself! Even if it’s only 15 minutes. Walk, stretch, meditate, sit with a cup of tea or coffee. Taking time for yourself will help you de-stress and not feel overwhelmed. 

Incorporate some, or all of these, mindful tips for a very merry and Happy Holiday season! 

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