In his current position, Gunning wears a big hat. He provides nutrition counseling services to the undergraduate and graduate student population on campus; provide nutrition, tech, and social media expertise and assistance to the research initiatives and programs of the NJHKI; and supervises a group of undergraduate student peer educators that provide nutrition-focused workshops on campus. He added that while most aspects of his job are consistent, with responsibilities that straddle two departments his position “provides uniqueness and variety to each day. Some days are filled exclusively with patient appointments while others are completely non-clinical.”
Amidst all this, Gunning has found a way to help others and give back to the community as the former chair of the AND National Organization of Men in Nutrition NOMIN. He has also served the NJAND as web-chair, ambassador for the state legislator program, awards committee member, and Region 1 co- chair.
A Jersey boy born and raised, Gunning said his venture into the field of nutrition and dietetics was partially accidental. “I started off college as a biology major with a pre-med focus but wasn’t in love with it. I received some very good advice from a campus dean during my second semester about majoring in something I enjoyed and was passionate about that would offer me a diverse array of career options and yet still covered the core courses necessary to pursue the pre-med track if I so decided to continue that path. I always had an interest in all things related to health, fitness, and wellness and after taking an intro to nutrition course, I realized nutrition as a major fit all the above criteria. I switched majors and then the rest was history. My passion for this field just snowballed from there.”
As if the photography enthusiast, husband, and father of two toddler boys does not already have enough on his plate, come July Gunning will assume new responsibilities as the Nutrition Program Coordinator of the Rutgers Student Health Services. In the meantime, he continues to enjoy time in his kitchen – his place of ‘Zen’ as well as the diversity of ocean, cities, mountains, and farmland that our garden state is famous for.