
Celiac Awareness Day is September 13th

Chances are, you’ve heard of gluten before, but what about celiac?  Celiac is an autoimmune condition characterized by damage to the small intestine—specifically, to the fingerlike projections (called villi) that line it and aid in nutrient absorption1.  Every year on September 13th, National Celiac Disease Awareness Day encourages us to support those with the auto-immune disease...

Meet Mary Ann Ellsworth, MS, RDN

It’s National Fruits & Veggies Month! And this year it is being commemorated under the theme, Every Time You Eat, Have A Plant. However, “the US is in the midst of a vegetable and fruit consumption crisis. 90% of us aren’t eating the recommended daily servings of vegetables, and 80% aren’t eating the recommended daily...

Quick Breakfasts to Fuel Your Family

In August, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics celebrate the importance of healthful eating and active lifestyles for children and their families during the annual Kids Eat Right Month®. With the first day of school on the horizon, here are some breakfast ideas to make the morning mealtime rush a little easier. Breakfast often gets skipped...

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