Raise Happy, Healthy Eaters this New Year!

By: Lauren Ordemann

The New Year encourages many of us to take on new challenges and ultimately work towards becoming better versions of ourselves. This year, instead of making an individualized resolution to “go on a diet” or lose weight consider making healthful eating both a habit and a family affair.

Teaching children the importance of sound nutrition will allow them to not only grow, but flourish. After all, food is fuel, and what you put in your body is what you get out of it. In an effort to raise happy and healthy eaters, try your best to:

  • Involve the whole family in shopping for groceries and preparing dishes
  • Eat meals together without distractions from cell phones, televisions, or tablets
  • Share an appreciation for food and promote healthful choices
  • Serve regular, balanced meals and snacks with a variety of nutrient-dense options
  • Encourage the exploration of flavors and foods from different cultures and cuisines
  • Find credible food and nutrition resources when you don’t know the answer
  • Be a role model for your children; simple acts can leave a lasting impact!

Giving children the opportunity to participate in meal preparation helps promote family unity, teach autonomy, and solidify nutrition concepts. To get the whole family involved in making breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snacks, consider:

  • Allowing young children to stir dishes, rinse produce, and sprinkle spices
  • Teaching older children to safely cut foods, set the table, and crack an egg
  • Encouraging adolescents to prepare family meals and help with grocery shopping
  • Making cooking an educational, yet exciting experience!

While promoting healthy eating habits may seem like a daunting task, it is crucial to remember that change won’t happen overnight. All in all, it’s the small steps that help you achieve your big goals! Hit the ground running by striving to cook more often than ordering out, serving a vegetable with every dinner, and encouraging your family to eat together at the table as much as possible.

Work towards fostering a love, appreciation, and newfound respect for the food that fuels both your family and you in 2022! Wishing you all a happy, healthy, safe, and delicious New Year!

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